My First Book, The Shepherd's Quest, Available Tomorrow!
Tomorrow, March 5th, my first book, The Shepherd’s Quest, will go on sale on Amazon. This is a book that I never dreamed of writing because it is a work of fiction based on the Scriptural account of the last week of Jesus’ life on earth. I praise God for giving me the privilege of sharing this story, and I hope it will give you a better understanding of Jesus’ followers as they endured the ups and downs of that Passover week.
Here is a
brief description:
Jedidiah was a teenager when the
angel appeared that night outside Bethlehem.
He never forgot the fear, excitement, and celebration that he and the
other shepherds experienced. Now, as an
adult with a family of his own, he is faced with the question of whether Rabbi
Jesus is the same Messiah that he witnessed in the manger some thirty years
earlier. As he follows Rabbi Jesus
through the Passover week, he is on a quest to determine the truth. It is a quest that will send him and his
family through a roller coaster of emotions until the truth is revealed—too late
to save Rabbi Jesus. Will his quest end
with a dead Messiah? How can that be?
I hope you will find the story
enlightening and moving. Thankfully, we
have a Messiah who is very much alive!!
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