Doing the Good Works God Prepared for Us

             Yesterday, I heard a well-known actor talking about his faith.  He said that he prays every day that he will live up to his potential.  The more I thought about that statement, the more I thought that he was right.  We should be striving to live up to our God-given potential every day. 

            In Ephesians 2:10, Paul tells us “We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (NIV84).  God has plans for us!  He has things that He wants us to accomplish in our lifetime.  He created us to complete those good works.  How do we know what those “good works” are?

            First, we know that we were all created for God’s glory (Isaiah 43: 7).  That means that our “good works” must bring praise to our Father.  We can only glorify Him if we learn to walk in His ways and follow as He leads.  That is a learning process that requires an intimate relationship with God and the help of the Holy Spirit.

            Even when our heart’s desire is to walk closely with our God, we are often at a loss as to what that might look like.  We are each unique individuals with our own talents and abilities.  So, the next step is to consider how those talents and abilities can be used to glorify God.  There are many tests that one can take to determine their spiritual gifts, their aptitude, and their personalities.  All of these can be helpful, but none of them will accomplish anything if we aren’t willing to step into action.

            Sometimes, we think we have all the answers regarding our abilities and where we could best be of service, but then, God takes us out of our comfort zone.  He desires to stretch us and show that it’s not all about us.  It’s about His power being displayed through our weaknesses. 

            As children of God, we are not just part of the family, we are part of the family business—saving souls.  That means, that whatever talents, abilities, or opportunities that He gives us need to be embraced wholeheartedly for the good of the Kingdom.  He prepared “good works” for us to do, so we might want to embrace that fact and begin praying daily that we will fulfill our complete God-given potential, just as He intended.

Ephesians 2: 10


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