included in God’s family is the highest honor and the greatest privilege you
will ever receive. Nothing else comes
loved us so much that He adopted us into His family (Ephesians 1: 5) and made
us co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8: 17).
When we
are born or adopted into a family, one of the most significant factors that
identify us as a family member is the family name. People know that we belong to a particular
family because of our name. Being a
member of God’s family is no different.
Paul tells us in Ephesians that God’s family, both here and in heaven,
gets its name from the Father (Ephesians 3: 14, 15). We also know that as Christians, Christ’s
name identifies us as members of the family of God. Even in the Old Testament God referred to His
people as being called by His name (II Chronicles 7:14).
Being a
part of the family has one other significance regarding our name, and that is
that the Father knows our names. John
10: 3 tells us that the Shepherd calls His sheep by name. He knows each one of us individually. I love this passage in Isaiah:
“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hand…” (Isaiah
49:16 NIV84).
As a
member of the family, God has each of us engraved on the palm of His hand, much
like proud parents carry family photos in their wallets or on their phones.
God has
given us His name, He knows each of us individually and carries us with Him
right on the palm of His hand. Can it get
any better than that?! What a blessing
God has given us, but it is also one of responsibility. Since we wear the family name, we represent
it and Him in everything we do. When
people see the Christian shirt or the WWJD bracelet, they immediately see us as
part of God’s family. Then, they begin
to watch to see if our actions reflect our family values.
How many
times have our failures been magnified because we knew that we disappointed our
parents? How many times have we worked
harder and tried to do the right thing because we wanted our parents to be
proud of us?
God is
watching. He sees everything we do. How many times will we disappoint Him this
week? Wouldn’t it be better to put a
smile on His face and hear Him say, “That’s my kid, and I’m so proud!” Let’s
each take the time to consider how we are representing the family name this
week. After all, our goal should be to
make Abba Father proud!
Ephesians 1: 3 – 14
Ephesians 3: 14 - 19
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