to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5: 21 NIV84)
is one of those words that tends to bring out the rebellion in us. Its very definition tells us that we are to
yield our will to that of someone else. In today’s world of independence and personal
rights, that’s a hard pill to swallow.
Yet, God calls us to submit, and as Christians, we must obey.
So, what
does it look like to submit? The only
perfect example of submission is Jesus Christ.
If we are to submit to each other out of reverence for Him, then perhaps
we must start by reviewing His life. The Gospel of John has much evidence of the
characteristics of Jesus’ submission to His Father.
First and
perhaps foremost, Christ was obedient to the will of His Father. Early in His ministry, He acknowledged that
He came to do the will of God—that is to obey God’s instructions (John 6:
38). His goal was to please His Father
(John 8: 29). Later, He confirmed that
His death was in obedience to the command of the Father (John 10: 17, 18). God also gave Him the words to say as He
continued His ministry on earth (John 12: 49 – 50). As He prayed in Gethsemane the night of His
betrayal, He confirmed that He was about to complete the mission God had given
Him (John 17: 4). That is
Jesus knew
the end story even before the beginning of His life on earth. He also knew that God was in control of the
timing (John 8:20), and was not afraid of what man would do to Him. He performed miracles on the Sabbath, knowing
that would attract the Pharisees' attention (John 5: 16). He was willing to take risks for the sake of
His mission.
As He
continued His mission on earth, He fully acknowledged that He was dependent on
God (John 5: 30). God showed Him what to
do (John 5: 19). He came to carry out
the Father’s plan, and He relied on the strength of the Father every step of
the way.
He sought no glory for Himself. In
perfect submission to the Father, He acknowledged that His actions were not for
His honor but for the honor of the one who sent Him (John 7: 17, 18). He reaffirmed that in John 8: 50. Perhaps, His humility is best exhibited in
John 13: 3 – 4, when He assumed the role of a servant and washed His disciples’
dependence, the absence of fear, and willingness to take risks, coupled with
humility. Those are characteristics of Christ’s submission to God, the
Father. The question is, “How many of us
are willing to exhibit those same characteristics in submission to our brothers
and sisters in Christ?” When Paul wrote
the words of Ephesians 5: 21, he had just completed a discourse on unity in the
church. Unity can only be achieved when
we are each willing to yield our independence and rights to others so that the
mission God has given us can be completed.
is a personal matter. It will require
prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit, but with God’s help, we can do it—but
only if we are willing to take the first step.
5: 21 – 33
of John
Well said and according to scripture!