My God Sees Me!

             As I changed the page on my monthly calendar, I realized that my best friend from high school will be celebrating a birthday this week.  We were very close in high school, but like many of you, we drifted apart after graduation from college.  She got married and I went to law school.  She started having babies, and I focused on my career.  In short, we didn’t have a lot in common anymore, so our infrequent meetings became increasingly awkward.  We never had a falling out.  We just drifted apart. I probably haven’t spoken to her for thirty years, but still, her birth date came to mind when I looked at the calendar. 

            Most of us probably have friends—and maybe even relatives, that we’ve lost contact with.  Life gets busy.  We make new friends and take on new interests.  Then, time just slips away, and we lose track of people who once meant a great deal to us.  That’s what happened between me and my friend.

            As I thought about that, I began to realize how blessed we are to have a God who never gets distracted.  He knew each one of us before we were born (Jeremiah 1: 5).  He knows the number of our days (Psalm 139: 16), and He has counted the hairs on our heads (Matthew 10: 30).  He is laser-focused on His mission to save the world, but that doesn’t stop Him from caring about each one of us individually.  He is a God who “sees” us (Genesis 16: 13, 14). He does not want any one of us to perish (I Timothy 2: 3, 4), and so, He never gets too busy to hear our prayers, provide the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit, or provide the peace that only He can give.

            Life is busy.  Too often, we use that as an excuse to move on from old friendships and relationships.  We may think it’s too much trouble to keep those friendship flames burning.  Thankfully, God doesn’t use that same excuse with us. 

            Today, I encourage each of us to give thanks to God for the individual attention that He devotes to every one of us.  Also, give thanks for all those who have been an integral part of our lives at some point.  Though those relationships may have been lost, they have in some way contributed to the people we are today, so be thankful that you had those moments, even though they may have been fleeting. 

            I’m thankful today and every day for my God who sees me and cares for me.  I’m also thankful for my high school friend, and wherever she is, I say, “Happy Birthday, Debby!”

Psalm 139: 1 – 18

John 3: 16


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