
Showing posts from February, 2025

Stop Running Away!

                 This morning while listening to a podcast on my daily walk, one of the speakers made this comment, “The natural tendency of man is to run away from God.” As I thought more about that, I realized she was probably right.             In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, driven by shame, tried to hide from God.   Despite all the miracles the Israelites witnessed, their first reaction when things got difficult was to blame God and look for another god who they thought would take better care of them.   When Jonah was given a task that he didn’t agree with, he tried to run away from God.               We are no different today.   When we sin, instead of running to God for forgiveness, we decide that we aren’t good enough and begin to ignore Him.   When life gets hard and we are treated unfai...

Handling Life's "Big Fish" Situations!

  “But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights” (Jonah 1: 17 NIV84).             There are probably many people who consider many of the stories from the Bible to be “tall tales” without any factual basis.   After all, whoever heard of a big fish swallowing someone and living to talk about it.   However, if you ever doubted the story of Jonah and the big fish, then you missed the news story a few weeks ago.   A humpback whale rose out of the water much to the surprise of a man in a kayak, who was swallowed by the whale and then released virtually unharmed.   Another reminder to us that the Bible speaks truth.             We’ve probably all found ourselves in the middle of a “big fish” situation from time to time.   Sometimes, like Jonah’s encounter, it’s of our own doing—bad choi...

What's In a Name?

  “Being included in God’s family is the highest honor and the greatest privilege you will ever receive.  Nothing else comes close.” [1]                God loved us so much that He adopted us into His family (Ephesians 1: 5) and made us co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8: 17).                    When we are born or adopted into a family, one of the most significant factors that identify us as a family member is the family name.   People know that we belong to a particular family because of our name.   Being a member of God’s family is no different.   Paul tells us in Ephesians that God’s family, both here and in heaven, gets its name from the Father (Ephesians 3: 14, 15).   We also know that as Christians, Christ’s name identifies us as members of the family of God.   Even in the Old Testament God referred to His people as being called by His name (II Chronic...

Whining is Not an Option!

  A little over three years ago, I retired from a job that I loved.  Although I worked hard to write instructions, organize my files, and do everything I could to make the transition as easy as possible for whoever might take my place.  My planning stopped there.  I had no plans for my future as a retiree.             A lot of people had suggestions.  Travel was at the top of many people’s lists, but I have no significant other and my closest friends still worked, so I didn’t relish the thought of traveling alone.  I love to read but you can only read so many books.  I thought I might get a part-time job, but several opportunities turned out to be dead ends. So, instead of enjoying my freedom from schedules, stress, and more, I became a “whiner” much like Elijah in I Kings 19.             After his great victory against the prophets of Baal...

A Christian's Perspective of Valentine's Day

                 Today is Valentine’s Day.   For many people, it is a day to shower their significant other with flowers, candy, and a romantic night out.   For greeting card companies, restaurants, and florists, it is one of their most profitable days of the year.   Somehow, we’ve managed to change the focus from love and caring for those closest to us to a commercial festival where we each try to outdo everyone else.             As Christians, every day should be Valentine’s Day.   Each day we should be exhibiting the love of Christ both to those we care most about and to those we simply encounter along the way.   Jesus said that people will know that we are His disciples if we love one another (John 13: 35).   He also said that we are to love as He loved (John 13: 34)             So, what does...


  “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5: 21 NIV84)             “Submit” is one of those words that tends to bring out the rebellion in us.   Its very definition tells us that we are to yield our will to that of someone else.   In today’s world of independence and personal rights, that’s a hard pill to swallow.   Yet, God calls us to submit, and as Christians, we must obey.               So, what does it look like to submit?   The only perfect example of submission is Jesus Christ.   If we are to submit to each other out of reverence for Him, then perhaps we must start by reviewing His life. The Gospel of John has much evidence of the characteristics of Jesus’ submission to His Father.             First and perhaps foremost, Christ was obedient to the will of...

No Retirement for Christians!

                 Somedays, I wake up and think how nice it would be to be lying on a sunny beach, enjoying a good book.   After all, I am retired and it’s cold here in Kentucky.   Then, I remember the Sunday lesson I need to prepare, the blog that needs to be posted, and the other writing projects that God has laid on my heart.             Over the last three years, I have come to realize what people meant when they said, “I don’t know how I ever found time to work!”   I can relate!   I’m as busy now as I was when I had a full-time job.   However, there are several differences between my work then and my work now.             First, I don’t usually draw a paycheck for the work I do now.   I always thought that I would get a part-time job, and I’ve had a few small consulting opportunities but noth...

My God Sees Me!

                 As I changed the page on my monthly calendar, I realized that my best friend from high school will be celebrating a birthday this week.   We were very close in high school, but like many of you, we drifted apart after graduation from college.   She got married and I went to law school.   She started having babies, and I focused on my career.   In short, we didn’t have a lot in common anymore, so our infrequent meetings became increasingly awkward.   We never had a falling out.   We just drifted apart. I probably haven’t spoken to her for thirty years, but still, her birth date came to mind when I looked at the calendar.               Most of us probably have friends—and maybe even relatives, that we’ve lost contact with.   Life gets busy.   We make new friends and take on new interests.   Then, time just slips away,...