Serving Behind the Scenes!
Have you ever read a book and wanted to know more about the
life of some of the lesser characters? My curiosity is often awakened when I
read the Scriptures. There are so many
people who played key parts in God’s story, but we know so little about
One such
lady was Priscilla. We know that she was
married to a man named Aquila and that they were tentmakers by trade. We also know that she welcomed people,
including Paul, into her home and that a church in Ephesus met in their
home. She and Aquila were active in Paul’s
ministry, and he considered them to be faithful co-workers.
When we
first encounter this couple, the Roman emperor had expelled them and all the
other Jews from Rome. They fled to the
city of Corinth, where they first met Paul.
Aquila was a Jew, but we don’t know the heritage of Priscilla. She may have been a Jew, but she could have
been a Roman citizen. When Paul left Corinth
for Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquila went with him. Why? We don’t know. We also don’t know why he left them there
when he moved on to other places.
When the
preacher, Apollos showed up in Ephesus, it was Priscilla and Aquila who took
him aside to explain the entirety of the Gospel message to him. Had they learned that from Paul or other
early Christians? We don’t know.
At one
point it appears that they returned to Rome.
When? Why? Those are unanswered questions. As Paul neared the end of his life and wrote
his second letter to Timothy, it appears that they were back in Ephesus. How did they get there and when? Again, we
don’t know. Paul indicated that they
risked their lives to save him.
How? We don’t know.
I look forward to meeting Priscilla
and Aquila in heaven someday to learn the rest of their story. Even with so many questions, we know enough
to recognize their contributions to the spread of the Gospel. They went where they were needed to advance
the Kingdom. They welcomed individuals
and groups into their home to provide housing, education, and times of
worship. Paul told us that all the
Gentile churches were grateful to them. They weren’t apostles or missionaries
like Paul, but they played a vital part in the spread of the Gospel during
those early years.
My point
is that those of us who work behind the scenes, encouraging and assisting those
who preach and teach, may never know, this side of heaven, how valuable we are
to the work of God’s Kingdom. Paul said
it like this, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the
same Lord. There are different kinds of
working, but the same God works all of them in all men” (I Corinthians 12: 4 –
6 NIV84).
He also said that “we are
God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared
in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2: 10 NIV84).
There is some part that each
of us can play in the spread of the Gospel.
Our story, like that of Priscilla and Aquila, may be unknown to most people. However, God has prepared each of us for
particular tasks. The question is, “Will
we be willing to answer when He calls?”
Serving God requires us to be available and willing. God will fill in all the blanks just as He
did with Priscilla and Aquila.
18: 1 – 3, 18 – 19, & 24 – 26
I Corinthians
16: 19
16: 3, 4
Timothy 4: 19
Corinthians 12: 4 – 6
2: 10
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