Every Single Verse Counts!
Many of us probably made daily Bible Reading one of our New Year’s resolutions. You are not alone. For many years, now I have read a portion of Scripture every morning. Sometimes I have used a devotional book that includes Scripture. Other times, I’ve read the chronological Bible, and on other occasions, I’ve used a daily Bible. The daily Bibles usually include a reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs, and by the end of the year, you’ve read the entire Bible. This year I’m using a new format of the daily Bible which includes information and a prayer for the persecuted church. Over the last two weeks, God has convicted me that “reading” is not enough. Too often, we get in the habit of daily Bible reading, just so we can check off our “to-do” list or say that we kept at least one of ou...