Encourage Each Other
encourage each other with these words” (I Thess. 4: 18 NIV84)
The Scripture
calls us to encourage each other, and in our current culture, words of kindness
and encouragement are needed now more than ever. One simple way to encourage restaurant
servers is to ask to pray for them. My
friends and I make a regular effort to do that.
Only once have we been told “no”.
A few years ago, after asking our waitress if we could pray for her, she
broke into tears. We learned that she
had recently lost a child. We prayed
with her and spent some time trying to comfort and encourage her. Such a simple gesture but we’ll never know
how much it meant to that young mother.
One way
that I have sought to encourage my family is by adding Scripture verses to
birthday cards. I don’t write Scripture
out. I just list the Scripture reference
in hopes that they will take the time to look them up, meditate on them, and
hopefully, follow them. Here are a few
of the Scriptures that I use.
Psalm 118: 5, 6
3: 5, 6
Peter 5: 7
1: 9
for Your Children: Numbers 6: 24 –
121: 7, 8
Corinthians 9: 8
4: 19
29: 11
You know
how much a few words of encouragement mean to you. Take a few moments today to offer a few words
of encouragement to someone else. You
may never know how much those words bless them, but I’m confident that you will
also feel the blessing.
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